Evolving from Separation to Togetherness: Transcending Our Family Programs

Feb 03, 2021

The view that the universe is deeply interconnected has been held since ancient times. Today, science proves what ancients knew long ago—that we live in an interconnected universe in which all interconnected parts affect the whole and vice versa. However, most of us either don’t know or don’t seem to be aware of this, perhaps because we can’t perceive it.

We believe everything is separate. And this has to do mainly with the perception we have integrated from our family and the surrounding environment.

The notion that we are separated is an illusion created through our mind’s resonance. Our mind works just like an information cloud—uploading information 24/7, whether we’re awake or asleep, conscious or not. And like a computer program, our mind only accepts information that matches its inner contents, rejecting the rest.

So, if you we’re told that family is everything and led to believe that we’re matter (not energy), and if we’ve learned to identify with just one group of people (only our family), we will resonate with matter and family and reject energy and togetherness.

Separation is more ingrained in us than we are consciously aware of. We inherit our first unconscious separation program in our biological mother’s womb and during our birth—as we go from absolute unity to physical separation from her.

Additionally, we inherit our family’s ancestral programs from our mother and father and their interconnected mind clouds. We resonate with our parents’ information and with the sum of all the experiences our ancestors had.

Unconscious repetition of the same or stories similar to those our ancestors lived in a previous life is very common. This is even more likely if you share resonance with a particular ancestor through a shared name, physical resemblance, a similar birthdate, like professions, and other such connections.

The unconscious doesn’t differentiate between our ancestors and us and, by resonance, attracts experience. In this way, like a curse, we repeat behaviors, events, and situations over which we have no control and that don’t belong to us.

So if your grandmother married and divorced several times and if you’re a woman and married or share a physical resemblance with your grandmother, through resonance,  you could experience the same. If your uncle for whom you were named was an alcoholic who never healed, you may also be an alcoholic. If you share the same name as a monk in your lineage, perhaps you will have a religious inclination. The same will happen if any of your ancestors experienced discrimination.

We live our ancestors’ experiences, conflicts, beliefs, and behaviors because our energies are intertwined. Each of us is the energetic continuation of those who came before us in our lineage through another body.

Understanding that there is a purpose behind this transgenerational resonance is important. You see, subconscious programs are passed from one generation to the next to ensure our evolution. That means we have the ability to transform—individually and also collectively—what may otherwise show up as a curse into a gift.

That’s why it’s so important to understand the impact of unhealed resonance. Because we are all interconnected, the information we integrated from our mother, during our birth, and from family members affects our energy, the energy of our descendants, and the energies of everyone on our planet.

What if, instead of resonating with matter, we resonated with energy? What if, instead of dividing ourselves more, we included everything coherently and harmoniously in an overall whole that is undivided, unbroken, and without borders? Changing people’s general way of resonating is crucial if we want to live together in harmony and bring about the unification we very much desire.

The only option we have to change is to evolve out of our family programming by working with energy and to change our resonance by deactivating and neutralizing unconscious information.

What’s good is that, by doing this, we can transcend and heal the resonance of the entire family lineage and, through our interconnected energies, the world’s resonance.

Quartz crystals are one of the best holistic tools to neutralize energetic information. 

Quartz is used daily in modern technology and has been a part of sacred places worldwide from time immemorial.

According to the ancients, in sacred sites, ordinary humans could be transformed into god’s—beings capable of resonating with the universe and their unlimited selves because they had freed themselves from their inner programming. 

The world is a very fragmented place these days. And there’s a lot of confusion and incoherence out there. The more people come to realize that we are interconnected, I think, the more they’ll be proactive and create a sense of positivity and coherence around them that impacts others and allows for transformation.

By clearing our mind cloud and making sense of our lives, we can deepen our capacity for self-understanding and bring coherence to our lives and the world. By becoming free of the past’s constraints, we heal others in the present and the future.

Whether we like it or not, we’re part of the whole that affects us and that we also affect. We possess a degree of independence but, simultaneously, depend on the unit. The information of both the whole and each part is observed in each part and in the whole. This is the influence our family can exert on each of us and all family members and the impact each of our families can have on our collective reality and vice versa.

Interconnectedness is the true nature of all beings. Our real evolution involves disidentifying with the parts and identifying more with the whole. Our family program needs to evolve from our individual family to a planet earth family to bring togetherness instead of separation.

You can begin making sense of your life and pass the best of you on to generations to come working with quartz crystals. Are you ready to live in wholeness and enable your descendants and humanity to do so? Don’t turn a blind eye to your own healing. The world needs you!



IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using beatrizsinger.com copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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