Hitting Rock Bottom: Opening Ourselves to Receive the Light

Dec 09, 2020

"Often, it's the deepest pain which empowers you to grow into your highest self."

— Karen Salmansohn 

Many of us are again in lockdown and forced to close our now-struggling businesses once more, some of us having lost our jobs and lifestyles, in a time when we feel more divided than ever. When discord in the political world in so many of our nations seems disconnected from the purpose of caring for and uniting people, and when we are bombarded with misinformation and are confined not only to the walls of the places where we live, but also to the voices within our mind. After living for so long in uncertainty and on fight-and-flight response mode, it’s easy to understand why many people today perceive the circumstances as if they’ve hit rock bottom. And this continuing state of torment or unhappiness that we’re experiencing individually is also a collective feeling.

You have reached a turning point in your reality, a moment where the security and comfort the world around you used to provide is not there for you anymore. And you feel fragile, experiencing fear and depression. The world as we know it is disappearing in front of your own eyes, and it’s very scary. You may not know where things are headed, but you can feel the withering away of how things used to be. Transformation has come into our lives, and there’s nothing we can do to change its course. This is a time to make room for new experiences to be birthed.

If the parts are struggling, the world is struggling—as everything is interconnected.

Mystics of all time refer to this process as the dark night of the soul. 

The dark night of the soul is when you lose all sense of connection with what you formerly believed, your old life and identity begin to vanish, and the new identity has not yet emerged.

So, you are literally in between worlds; you’re between who you were—a disconnected part, observer, and victim of your reality—and becoming whole, a creator and protagonist of your story and your reality. The suffering you, and all of us are experiencing is cracking us out of the spell of the mind programs we all live in and resonate with. It’s awakening us individually and collectively from a dream that others have created for us. And by others, I mean our families, the education systems in nations and states across the world, our cultures, our religions, the media, the government—any institution, role model, or form of authority we follow.

The pandemic caught us by surprise and put a stop sign in the middle of each of our life paths. And this stop sign has served many purposes, one of them to enable us to reevaluate our lives. 

Maybe you have been playing the denial game, thinking that everything was just great in your life before the pandemic. And now the bubble of how you perceived your life has burst, and you’re exposed to the truth of what has been hiding inside of you, telling you that something inside you must change and that it’s time to make better choices. The very fabric of your life has been turned upside down, and now you can examine it in raw detail. 

Your lower points help you wake from autopilot and become aware of why exactly you are going through that experience.

You are being forced to be inside your house. Inside yourself, you begin questioning everything you’ve ever thought to be true. You begin to question your motives and beliefs, why you behave the way you do, and why you attract certain people and circumstances.

With our troubled reality, the lockdowns have brought us individually and collectively inward into an introspective mode to see through a magnifying glass who we are individually and collectively. From this perspective, we can each ask ourselves: Am I happy with my life and world? What’s working and what’s not working? What’s really important for me? What can we do individually and collectively to improve our lives and the world?

And during this process, your old perspective of your individual and collective reality begins to transform and shift.

Your new individual and collective reality are emerging, but whatever the transformation or becoming more whole looks like for you, it hasn’t materialized yet. But by now, you already know that something inside of you is changing—that you aren’t who you used to be. So, you don’t know who you are and what to believe. Your old mindset is dying to give birth to a new one.

I, myself, have gone through different dark nights of the soul not once but many times now. But as someone who’s been there and done that, I can tell you that good things are on the way individually and collectively.

The good thing about hitting rock bottom is that there is only one way left to go, and that’s up!

You may not know where you’ll be headed, and it might seem scary at first. But something new will come from all of this.

It’s time to let go of the old and allow the new reality to take shape around you.

It’s time to let go of any attachment. And this includes any expectation, outcome, thought, belief, and behavior that is not allowing you to flow. 

Hitting rock bottom helps you begin to build up—but this time, from the ground up, with a fresh perspective based on your renewed sense of clarity.

At the bottom, your disempowering patterns and behaviors become crystal clear, as well as the triggers that kept you repeating those behaviors. You become aware of all the stories from others you have repeatedly been playing.

It’s not until you break the mold and begin your journey back to your true self that you stop playing the same old stories and start to create a new one.

You are able to let go of everything. Letting go of the old creates space for the new, and you resonate with new opportunities pulled toward you.

As you empty your cup, you fill it back up with stuff you actually want, instead of accepting what was unconsciously passed onto you. As you resonate more with your own truth and whole inside, you begin attracting it outside.

You gain humility and open up yourself to learn new things and begin including new ideas that widen your resonance range and your sense of connection.

You gain compassion. You can’t help but come back from the bottom feeling immense empathy with the human condition.

Perhaps you begin to accept full responsibility for all outcomes, instead of complaining and blaming others.

It is true that you unconsciously dug the hole in which you find yourself by resonating with the different voices and parts you have learned to identify with. But it is also true that, consciously, you can dig yourself out by resonating with the whole.

Hitting rock bottom awakens you. Instead of relying on outside voices, you begin to trust your own voice and journey within to find answers.

When your world comes crashing down, you have a chance to do something you couldn’t have done before—rise!

After hitting rock bottom, you can be sure that the situation can only get better from this point, and it does. 

We grow in absolute darkness. In the same way trees are born from seeds in complete darkness, humans are born into the light after living in darkness for nine months. Every morning every day before the sun rises, light is preceded by darkness. Before we ascend, we have to descend.

In the darkness, our most crucial transformation happens. And what you gain from surpassing limitations or going beyond the range of your normal perceptions is that you can see the light. When you emerge, you are a different version of you. More evolved, your awareness has expanded, and so has your perception of yourself. As a consequence, your resonance has expanded, and you are resonating more with the whole. 

As you see, you can actually use the bottom to push yourself up away from the darkness and back into the light.

The world is a mirror of what we have inside.

Old foundations are crumbling all around us. The dark night has come to tell us that it’s time to shift our old model of reality.

You will never see the opportunities, the light, if you remain stuck in your old perceptions. If you are doing something you have never done before, you are stepping into the unknown because that information is not yet inside of you and you don’t resonate with it. The old information you are resonating with doesn’t understand self-actualization and will react with fear. But it’s okay. Don’t fear. Allow yourself to experience the new and, through resonance, give birth to a new world.

From listening to others voices, you shift your attention to resonating with your own voice, which is more whole, and that becomes what you listen to. And with the help of holistic tools such as quartz crystals and meditation, yours becomes the predominant voice you begin to follow.

In our natural uncontaminated state, we are all connected; we are all whole. This is who we all naturally are. Wherever you are and whatever your circumstances, give yourself permission to return to yourself, to return to the light, to return to your holism wisdom. And collectively, we’ll bring light into the world. We can all bring light into the world together. Join this effort. The world needs you!  

Crystal Light!


IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using beatrizsinger.com copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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