Our Heart: Our Inner Hub for Resonating with Infinity

Jun 25, 2023

The heart has often been associated with love, affection, compassion, and empathy. Ancient traditions often regard it as the center of our being or spirit. From a biological perspective, the heart is vital in sustaining our life and overall health. However, the heart is not just a mere pump; it possesses a complex electrical system that enables its effective functioning. This electrical system generates an electromagnetic field, which can be measured beyond the confines of our bodies.

The strength of the heart's electromagnetic field is so profound that it can be detected several feet away from the body using sensitive magnetometers. Research conducted by institutions like the HeartMath Institute suggests that this field extends several feet around an individual. It not only encompasses our own bodies but can also interact with the bodies of others, allowing for the exchange and communication of information.

Similar to how our MindCloud receives information from our surroundings, our HeartCloud also receives and resonates with information.

The crucial question then arises: What type of information is our heart resonating with?

The study of bioelectromagnetic fields combines traditional scientific principles with emerging concepts related to human consciousness and interconnectedness. This fascinating field bridges the gap between the material and immaterial aspects of the universe.

The electromagnetic field generated by the heart is the most significant energy field produced by our bodies, and it assumes a toroidal shape, reminiscent of a donut or an apple. This torus shape is not unique to the heart; numerous electromagnetic fields, including those of the Earth and galaxies, are often visualized as torus-shaped.

"The energy enters our heads, circulates within our bodies and hearts at the center, then leaves the base of the perineum and loops around our body to enter our heads again. The structure of the torus allows feedback between what is coming from the outside and what is going into our internal environment. In other words, the vacuum of space informs us, and we inform the vacuum.

...When our energy repeatedly turns inside-out, this creates self-awareness...The toroidal geometry of our electromagnetic field is also what allows our energy to have a direct influence on our environment[1]."

Interestingly, the heart is vertically positioned near the center of our bodies. It resides within the chest cavity, nestled between the lungs, and behind the sternum (breastbone).

If we were to divide our bodies into left and right halves, the heart would be closer to the middle or center, slightly tilted towards the left side.

The center of a torus field is often referred to as the "null point" or the "zero point." In the context of Quantum Field Theory, the vacuum state contains Zero Point Energy (ZPE), and it is considered electrically neutral on average.

Hence, if the heart resides at the center and is neutral, it signifies that it is not bound by the information it resonates with. It possesses the ability to expand our awareness and connect us with the Universe and infinity itself, along with all its possibilities.

Ancient cultures recognized the significance of the heart. Here are some quotes attesting to this wisdom:

“The heart is the center from which all wisdom flows." - Ancient Egyptian proverb. 

"Let your heart be your compass, for it is the center of your intuition." - Ancient Native American wisdom.

"The heart is the seat of love, the center of compassion and kindness." - Ancient Hindu philosophy. 

“The heart is the center of connection, where we find unity with others and the world." - Ancient Sufi wisdom.

"The heart is the seat of divine consciousness. Awaken the heart and realize the presence of the divine within." – Sadhguru

How does this relate to the infinite within us? If we accept that the universe is infinite, we must also accept that each piece of it - including us - contains that infinite potential. Each of us holds within our being a 'zero point,' a place of immense potential energy that, like Zero Point Energy, could revolutionize our lives if harnessed effectively.

This 'zero point' within us may be seen as our essence, our true self, the center around which our life experiences revolve, our 'eye in the hurricane' of life where peace can be achieved. When we resonate with this inner center, aligning our thoughts, words, and actions with it, we tap into that infinite potential within, allowing us to navigate life with more grace, ease, and effectiveness.

When we resonate with the neutrality of the heart, we literally resonate with the infinite and have the power to co-create endless possibilities.

Today, you have the opportunity to resonate with the infinite. My sessions are tailored to help you become an infinite resonator. 

1:1 Sessions Opening soon! 

Balance your resonance; the world needs you!

[1] The Crystal Blueprint

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using beatrizsinger.com copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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