Rebooting from Autopilot Mode to Live Your Best Life

Jan 07, 2024

At its core, an autopilot system is an advanced control system that manages the trajectory or behavior of a vehicle. They execute the commands from the control system based on input data previously pre-programmed with a set of instructions or objectives. Autopilot systems provide automated control.

I’m not sure about you guys, but when I read this definition of autopilot, it struck me, I felt that it’s not just describing machines, but pretty much all of us, human beings.

A program isn’t only just about being stored on a hard drive in today’s tech world. It’s all about encoded info, and let’s face it, information is what drives our world! Seeing it that way, it’s like each of us has been programmed right from the start, right from when we first came into being, until we drop our bodies when we leave this world.

We pick up bits of information from each of our parents, and from the ride that brought us here —our biological or surrogate mother. And we keep on picking up bits from whoever raised us, be it our biological parents, adoptive ones, a random babysitter or nanny, grandparents, family orphanage, daycare, school, classmates, friends, all the religious and media stuff, and so on. It’s pretty clear, there’s a non-stop info exchange going on.

And this info, in our first seven years, kind of just flows in on autopilot, setting up neural links or info circuits in us that basically prep our hard drive to only tune into the specific stuff that’s been loaded into it, while ignoring everything else. And this ‘everything else’ can be loads of things: views different from what our family holds, our own emotions, the education we receive, our religious beliefs, the food we’re taught to like, the topics they skip over in schools, the things neither the politicians nor the bankers tell us, the unknowns about non-human sentient beings around us, the vast Universe. In other words this ‘everything else’ is also all that bind us together, not what divide us apart.

Our brains turn into the control tower and our mind into the autopilot that rules our lives, keeping us from peeking beyond our own programming. It’s like our minds have morphed into jails for our boundless selves.

In this autopilot life we are living, we haven’t even realized that we are captives of our own reality created by our own minds, trapped by the narrow info we have picked up and keep playing back on autopilot, locking us into the same old life script.

This information might have programmed our internal GPS, but we hold the power to update our destination.

Here’s the thing: beyond this cookie-cutter info we have been identifying with since day one, we are actually Infinite Beings. When we stop vibing with all that limiting chatter, we can start to tap into something way bigger. As these boundless creatures, we’ve got the power to dream up endless realities. But first, we’ve gotta wake up from autopilot mode.

And hey, don’t let those conspiracy theories vibes shut you down or toss this aside. That’s just the autopilot talking. Next step: switch it off by neutralizing it, and step into a universe of limitless opportunities!

Just know that the information embedded in the energy of your mind resonates. Wipe your mind’s limiting chatter, clean of the labels and boxes autopilot stuck you in. You can reboot your system to vibe without borders, including stepping into the world of lasting wellness we all dream about.

This is a reminder. You are not just a passive player; you are an Infinite Being capable of crafting your own narrative and life. 

Step one is getting wise to your own borders; step two, knocking them down.

Its time of moving beyond automatic, habitual living to a more conscious and fulfilling way of life.

Curious about how to make that happen?

That’s exactly what I’m all about! Tips and tricks to blow your world and reality wide open. 

Join me, where we venture beyond the auto-mode and awaken to a life of authentic creation. It’s time to broaden your vision, and ignite your infinity! Let’s shut down the autopilot and embrace the thrill of truly living now!

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And remember!

Balance Your Resonance. The World Needs You!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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