Tuning into Wealth for the Benefit of All

Jan 21, 2024

Long ago, people didn’t just see wealth as a way to get ahead. They used it to support their community, art, and explore big ideas, which helped everyone understand each other better.

Today, things are pretty different. A lot of people are chasing money and showing off what they have. This chase is so big in today’s culture that it often gets in the way of growing as human beings, building strong communities, and making our world better through our lives.

The issue is that in our rush to become wealthy, it seems like we are neglecting the basic values that once guided our lives and gave them meaning. Wealth, which used to help improve community life and personal growth, has now become the ultimate goal, often at any cost—overlooking crucial challenges our world currently faces, such as the need to establish the Earth as conflict-free zone.

The real issue here is that putting so much focus to wealth, we risk ending up in a world where we are more cut off from each other and the earth that keep us going.

While chasing after material things, we often can ignore the real meaning of wellbeing. Which not only include ours as a part but as a whole.

Our world is the whole and each of us are interconnected parts embedded within it. 

This is not a solo game. If a part loses, we all lose. But if a part wins, we all win.

While chasing after material things, we often ignore how important mental health, strong community ties, and looking after our planet really are. The sad part is that in our effort to gather wealth, we might lose out on things that matter and have a bigger impact.

But there's still hope. Just like a quartz crystal can be used in many ways for healing, we have a chance to change how we see and use wealth and stuff we own.

By taking a more whole view of life, we can balance making money with being well in ourselves. This means getting to know ourselves better, forming real connections with others, and living in a way that's in tune with everyone and every being in this planet.

Our focus on wealth today shows a deeper change in what we all value and think is important. Making money shouldn't take you away from living a fuller and more rewarding life.

If we bring back the old wisdom that saw wealth as a tool for growing personally and as a community, we can build a society that’s not just rich in things, but also in spirit and connection.

We are in times to create change for the betterment of all!

Balance your Resonance; the World Needs You!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using beatrizsinger.com copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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