Tuning into Wealth for the Benefit of All

Long ago, people didn’t just see wealth as a way to get ahead. They used it to support their community, art, and explore big ideas, which helped everyone understand each other better.

Today, things are pretty different. A lot of people are chasing money and showing off what they have. This chase is so big in today’s culture that it often gets in the way of growing as human beings, building strong communities, and making our world better through our lives.

The issue is that in our...

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Rebooting from Autopilot Mode to Live Your Best Life

At its core, an autopilot system is an advanced control system that manages the trajectory or behavior of a vehicle. They execute the commands from the control system based on input data previously pre-programmed with a set of instructions or objectives. Autopilot systems provide automated control.

I’m not sure about you guys, but when I read this definition of autopilot, it struck me, I felt that it’s not just describing machines, but pretty much all of us, human beings.


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Collective Purpose 2024: Food for Thought

healing shift world peace Dec 25, 2023

If, even for a brief moment, ALL of us could set aside the information embedded in our minds for generations. If we could collectively awaken to the shared wisdom beyond the unconscious programming imposed upon us by our and the world at large. We would not only optimize our existence but embark on an irreversible quantum leap of no return toward our infinite beingness —a place where the natural state is infinite well-being and boundless possibilities. It all begins with the profound...

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The Wisdom of the Center: Not Taking Sides

From generation to generation, we have learned information that has transformed into beliefs, polarizing the world into believers and non-believers. The history of humanity is both a witness and a victim of this phenomenon. In the name of deeply held beliefs, many civilizations have been decimated, with some even disappearing entirely from the Earth. 

Followers of different religions have been both victims and perpetrators in the name of their faith throughout the ages. Nations have...

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The Quantum Mind: Shaping our Perception and Reality through the Crystal Brain

In some philosophical and spiritual traditions, such as Buddhism and Hinduism, external reality is somehow a manifestation or reflection of the internal reality or consciousness.

But what really is consciousness?

In simple terms, according to what neuroscience understands, consciousness arises from the brain’s consistent neural activity, which involves integrating information from our daily experiences. These processes underlie our ability to make decisions and experience emotions....

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Programming Peace: Upgrading Our Mental Software for a United World

Achieving lasting peace is a complex challenge in a world marked by conflict and separation, especially when individuals are raised within groups that emphasizes division and exclusion rather than unity and connection. These environments program our MindClouds —a metaphor for the collective consciousness shaped by our upbringing and experiences. Therefore, finding consensus to achieve global peace requires reconciling these deeply ingrained mindsets with unconventional thinking. 


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War or No War? The Implications to Our World Resonance

If we were to creatively explore the "effect of war on the resonance of the world" using quantum concepts, here's my take:

1. Wave Function and Superposition: Just as particles exist in a superposition of states until observed, nations or societies might exist in multiple potential states of peace and conflict. 

Choice plays a pivotal role here:

If we opt for war, our "observation" collapses this superposition into a reality characterized by war.

However, if we instead emphasize peaceful...

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The Karmic Backlash of Choosing the Resonance for Others

Have you ever thought you knew what’s best for someone else and tried to make choices for them? While it might come from a place of care, it can unintentionally cause more harm than good to the person you aim to assist. Acting without explicit awareness and the clear consent of another can lead to unforeseen consequences, affecting not just their life trajectory but ours as well.

Unfortunately, many of us fail to realize that we each enter the world with our own preloaded “hard...

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The Crystal Universe: The Importance of Resonance Between Our Lives & Quartz Crystals

At first glance, the link between quartz crystals and lifes experiences might seem remote. But look closer, and the parallels are intriguing.

The ideas of energy healing or quantum healing, suggest that both, mental and physical wellbeing, are deeply tied to unseen energy fields.

 But think about it. When you really break it down, were not just physical beings. We are a mix of energy and information, actively participating in and shaping our life...

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The Power of Conscious Family Systems

A system is a set of interconnected parts that work together to achieve something. These parts can be conceptual, and their interactions can lead to complex behaviors, even if individual parts behave in a simple manner. 

What do systems have in common?

1. Every system is made of parts.

2. The parts inside a system are interconnected - meaning that a change in one part can affect other parts.

3. Systems generally have a purpose or function they aim to achieve. For example, the circulatory...

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Start identifying your resonance with our FREE Starters Meditation.